Friends of WCAB 2024

Building Our Community Through Art — Together

You Make It Happen!

Thank You.

The financial support of the Waupaca community truly enables us to dream big and set the stage for creativity throughout the year!

Thank you for helping us exceed our 2023/2024 financial goal of $17,000. You sustain our organization by supporting all our events, both big and small. You are the reason we can bring the fun, the art, and the joy to our shared community for another year.

Donations are appreciated any time throughout the year — online or by mail. However, we limit our Annual Friends of WCAB Campaign to October through December.

We are so grateful!

Thank You, Friends!

WCAB Annual Campaign Friends of WCAB Thank you

Rex & Linda Pope

Sandra Testin


Tammie Jo Berg

John & Caroyl Hart

Cathy Palazzolo

Fred Forseth

Lucy Wright

Anne Casey

Barb Chmielewski

Terry & Betty Weiland

WCAB Annual campaign Friends of WCAB Thank you

Julie Anderson

Carole Cochrane

Little Fat Gretchen’s

Barry & Kathy Sanders

Don & Donna Jorgenson

Patricia Reckrey

David Raether & Kim Anderson

Terry & Bonnie Rogers

Ron & Rose Marie Reynolds

Nancy Rosenbacher

Anita & Bob Olson

WCAB Annual Campaign Friends of WCAB Thank you

Gary & Valerie Du Chateau

Jeff Romanesko

Marsha Mueller

Barbara Zimmer


Waupaca Foundry

Mary Jane Nispel

Terry & Barb Achten




WCAB Friends of WCAB Annual Campaign

Rick & Vicki Groth


Jan & Pat Enright

Lee & Jeanne Lind

Mary & Dan Naylor

Shelley Olinger

Sandra Richmond

Betty Stauffer

Ann Kirk

Karen Burton

Gingie Wilson

Tim Clough & Sue Heideman

WCAB Annual Fundraiser Friends of WCAB Thank you

Helene Pohl

Barbara Johnson

Joan Zwicky

Chris & Vic Anthony


Joe Koehler

Georgia Calvo

Tracy & Andy Behrendt

Pam & Roger Grove

Faye Wilson Realty

David & Brenda Wenberg

Jeanne Bootz

Friends of WCAB Annual Fundraising Campaign

Holly Thomas

Larry & Lynn Craig

Amy & Mike Boldt

Trey & Mary Foerster

Ann Stern-State Farm Insurance

Laurie & Tony Wagner

Tom & Margarite Burmeister

Stephen & Barbara Laedtke

Tom & Helen Halverson

Marilyn Swan & Ken Smith

Richard & Marilyn Lange


Chain O Lakes Litho

Stacey & David Berk

Paul & Cheryl Sletten

Diane Forsythe

Jerry Lyons

Mary & Don Richgels

Ellen Connor & Marcel Van Camp

Aarick Danielson

Judith Feltz-Lain

Linda Kassera


Pigeon River Artists


Regina Kennedy

Laura & Chuck Reynolds


Jeanine Bide

Sandra & Robert Wagner

Mark Holliday & Terry Major-Holliday

Julie Eiden

Bev Crane

Panache / Debbie Fisher

Susan Davison

Mary Koehler


James McKnight & Susan Tupper

Barbara Haen

John & Amy Cordio

Thank you to our 2024 Summer Nights Concert Series Sponsors!

Rotary Club of Waupaca

Faulks Brothers Construction

The Wheelhouse

Community Insurance

Farmer’s State Bank

Faye Wilson Realty, Inc.

Filling Station

Janssen Accounting

Waypoint Financial


Waupaca Foundry


Parry Law Office

Rettler Corp.

Riverhill Dental

Strongwood Homes

Office Outfitters


Turner’s Fresh Ketchup

Udoni & Salan Realty

James Kempfert Fund

Thrivent Members.

If you are a Thrivent member, you are eligible to designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to Waupaca Community Arts Board.

Thrivent Members, you’ll find us at Client resources | Thrivent