Hello, Waupaca!

We’re a group of passionate volunteers bringing art into the everyday life of Waupaca.

WCAB Board Members & Associates

Building Community Through the Arts Since 2005

Waupaca Community Arts Board Members

What We Do

Our Mission.

We’re passionate volunteers bringing the arts into everyday Waupaca life by promoting creativity and artistic expression through community building.

You can find us on Facebook and Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter by completing the form below.

Have an idea or question? Email us at waupacaareaartsboard@gmail.com or mail us at P.O. Box 88, Waupaca, WI 54981. Waupaca Community Arts Board is a 501c3 non-profit organization

WCAB Board Members—

Marci Reynolds – President

Tammie Jo Berg – Treasurer

Bev Crane – Secretary

Anita Olson

Laura Reynolds

Acacia Rank

Cheryl Sletten

Bob Tevis

Cindy Kelm

Cathy Palazzolo

Davette Leonard

Gail Bertram

Waupaca Community Arts Board

WCAB Associate Members—

Linda Kassera

We, the Waupaca Community Arts Board acknowledge that Indigenous Peoples have been here for millennia and that their homeland was forcefully taken. The Indigenous way of life as they honored the land and all of its inhabitants was forever changed. The land on which we now reside is the ancestral homeland of the Menominee Nation of Wisconsin.

As original inhabitants, the Menominee named the river, Wāpah-Sēpēw and Waupaca, Wāpahkoh, “place of tomorrow seen clearly”. We honor with gratitude the land and all the generations who have stewarded it. We strive to build awareness of the Menominee’s long history and resolve to work with the Menominee people now and into the future, by engaging in purposeful learning and actions consistent with the Waupaca Community Arts Board mission statement.

The Arts Board in Action!

The Arts Board in Action!