Progress Update!
The latest update video, courtesy of The City of Waupaca! Thank you for putting this together.
A Dream Realized.
Poetry at Your Feet Update.
Thank you to the nearly 100 poets from 31 cities in Wisconsin and on both coasts who submitted more than 200 poems to our Sidewalk Poetry Contest.
The 16 selected poems creating the Poetry at Your Feet display were installed Downtown, the type blackened and sealed during the summer and fall of 2021.
Collaboration at Work.
Waupaca’s Main Street Redevelopment Project began in the Spring of 2021, and among other things, included the updating and resurfacing of four blocks of sidewalk.
The Poetry Committee of the Waupaca Community Arts Board saw an opportunity in this City project. Working with partners from the City of Waupaca & Waupaca Area Chamber of Commerce, we launched a Sidewalk Poetry Contest in the winter to start the process of making Poetry at Your Feet is a reality!
At the contest’s conclusion, a blind jury of three professional poets poured through the 200+ submitted poems and chose 16 poems which captured the essence of Waupaca. These poems are now embedded in Downtown Waupaca’s new sidewalks.

Meet the Sidewalk Poets.
Jan Chronister
Jan Chronister lives in Maple, Wisconsin and spends retirement writing and gardening. She has authored four chapbooks and two full-length poetry collections. She is serving as president of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets through the end of 2021 (after a six-year stint). http://www.janchronisterpoetry.wordpress.com
Jan’s two poems can be found: Near Edward Jones and Jensen Iron Works Building on the northeast corner of Main and Fulton streets, and near the Danes Hall on the northside of Granite at Main streets.
Emily Bowles
Emily Bowles moved to Appleton from Atlanta in 2007. She has a Ph.D. in English Literature, which served as the basis for her first poetry chapbook, His Journal, My Stella (2019).
Emily’s poem can be found at Poetry Plaza at Main and Session streets.

Cathryn Cofell
Cathryn Cofell is an Appleton poetry activist with two full full-length collections including “Stick Figure With Skirt,” winner of the 2019 Main Street Rag Poetry Award, plus six chapbooks, numerous other awards and a music/poetry CD called Lip. www.cathryncofell.com
Cathryn’s two poems can be found near Main Street Marketplace on the northwest corner of Main and Fulton streets, and near Studio 212 on the northwest corner of Main and Union streets.
Sandra Lindow
Sandra Lindow, Menomonie, is a lifelong Wisconsin resident. She loves gardening and writing about it. You can find more about her at https://www.wfop.org/member-pages#/sandra-lindow
Sandra’s poem can be found near the Firehouse Apartments on the southeast corner of Main and Granite streets.

Anita Olson
Anita Olson has been a member of the Waupaca Community Arts Board for 15 years. As a volunteer Board member, she has taken on different roles when Arts Board activities expanded. Eight years ago, a poetry/storytelling venue was added to the Arts on the Square festival. Poetry grabbed her at that point and expanded her interest to writing poetry. Poetry has become a new way to express herself and to enjoy quiet time. Poetry matters to her.
Anita’s poem can be found at Poetry Plaza at Main and Session streets.
Natalie Pelkey
Natalie Pelkey currently resides in Stevens Point. She is a teacher and coach for the community. During her free time, she loves traveling, spoiling her dogs, and searching for the best cup of coffee.
Natalie’s poem can be found near Simpsons on the northwest corner of Main and Badger streets.

Patrick Phair
Patrick Phair is a retired teacher of English who has written many poems, two full-length plays — Photoshop and Two Flags for Marco — and published a novel and is working on the second. Phair is the past founder and co-editor of Oxygen, a poetry magazine. He has participated in many poetry readings and slams throughout his writing career. Phair lives in Waupaca with his wife Mary and together they are involved in many community organizations, committees, boards and councils.
Patrick’s poem can be found near the Union Street Mural on the southwest corner of Main and Union streets.
Jenna Rindo
Jenna Rindo worked for years as a pediatric intensive care nurse in hospitals in Virginia, Florida and Wisconsin. She now teaches English to speakers of other languages at elementary schools in Oshkosh. She and her husband Ron raised five children on five acres in rural Pickett, WI. She competes in triathlons, duathlons and distance races from the 5K to the full marathon. Her poems and essays have been published in journals and anthologies.
Jenna’s poem can be found near Thern Realty and Little Ceaser’s Pizza on the southeast corner of Main and Badger streets.

Laura Scott
After a working career in the fields of law, publishing and education, Laura is contentedly exploring post-work-life interests. She paints, paddles, researches, travels, reads, and volunteers; most of all she enjoys time with special beings, including family, friends and fur-babies. Poetry of her own is a newfound avocation.
Laura’s poem can be found at Poetry Plaza at Main and Session streets.
Michelle Sharp
Michelle Sharp (b. 1992) is an artist and adventurer born and raised in Tarkio, Missouri. Working primarily with photography and bookmaking media, she finds inspiration in the mundane, the acts of sharing and discovery, literature, and structured systems. Michelle received a BFA with honors from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in 2015; her major was Photography with minors in Writing and Science. She currently lives in the Fox Valley area of Wisconsin.
Michelle’s poem can be found on the corner of Union and Main streets, in front of Summit Accounting.

Phyllis Shidell
As a child I learned to read before I went to school, and I’ve never been without a book since. I grew up in the country, with a dad who was always bringing my attention to the wonders of the natural world, and I also loved to draw and paint. So the beauty of nature and my great love for it has been the guiding force of my paintings, photographs, and poems all my life.
Because of that, I most enjoy poems by others who are connected with nature, such as Mary Oliver, Robert Frost, e.e. cummings, Wallace Stevens and Conrad Aiken.
I grew up and went to grade school in Lind Center, to high school in Waupaca, and graduated from UWSP. After a lot of travel and moving around, I came to rest here in Iola, and have put down roots.
I received a notice of the Sidewalk Poetry Contest from the Waupaca Community Arts Board, and it brought to mind a poem I had written about my grandsons running up the sidewalk. I decided it would be fun to write a new poem based on the same idea. It was quite a challenge to make it fit the formatting rules.
Phyllis’ poem can be found near the Woodpile Foundation on the northeast corner of Main and Badger streets.
Rick Simmons
Rick has used poetry across the 50 years of his adult life to illuminate moments, explore emotions or simply share wonders of the natural world he has witnessed or maybe only imagined. Poetry functions for him as a sort of journal, looking for the profound in the ordinary. Poets like Billy Collins thrill him with the precision of their language and the surprises and humor their poems construct, like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat. Born and raised in Chicago, Rick relocated in his third decade to a small farm near Waupaca. His poem describes a friend’s tale of fishing with his young grandson off the family cottage pier, a magic moment worthy of preservation . . . in concrete, no less.
Rick’s poem can be found near the Corner Pet Store, on the southwest corner of Main and Granite

Barbara Faye Wiese
I was born and raised on fresh cheese curds, corn on the cob, and strawberries – in Clintonvile Wisconsin. Reading, writing, and drawing were daily activities. In college I filled notebooks with poems that ranged from the never-again-seen to the worked-reworked-and shared. A cadence of poetry and music continually runs through my consciousness. I love the sound, sight, and nuance of words. Infrequently published, I share my poems with friends, family, and at poetry readings. Last year I joined the online Weekly Haiku Challenge group. Several of my poems have been chosen for recognition there. To be included in Waupaca Sidewalk Poetry is awesome!
Barbara’s poem can be found near the City Hall/Library building, on the northeast corner of Main and Union streets.
Pat Williams
Patricia Williams began to write poetry in 2013 after she retired from teaching art and design in Amherst, Iola and UW-Stevens Point. Her work appears in literary journals, anthologies, art/poetry collaborations, a chapbook, Portside of Shadows: Poems of Travel (Finishing Line Press). Her 60-poem collection, Midwest Medley (Kelsay Books), was recognized by the Wisconsin Library Association as an Outstanding Poetry Book in 2018. The Wisconsin DNR calendar has included her work every year since 2014. Pat lives in the Iola countryside with her husband Keith and has traveled to many places in the world.
Pat’s poem can be found at Poetry Plaza at Main and Session streets.
The Jury.
We are honored to have had these three poets judging Waupaca’s Sidewalk Poetry Contest submissions, through a blind-jury process.
Paul Wiegel
Originally from Green Bay, I now live and write from my home near the Fox River in Berlin. I’ve been writing and performing on-demand poems as a “street poet” on my 1957 Smith Corona manual typewriter for passersby at art galleries, farmers' markets, and festivals for the past five years.
Paul's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Hermeneutic Chaos Journal, The English Journal, Yellow Chair Review, and Eunoia Review. Paul is the winner of the John Gahagen Poetry Prize, 2014 & 2015; and placed first place in the Lakefly Writers Conference Poetry Contest
Pat Reckrey
Even as a young sprout I loved writing and that led me to an English major and a lifetime of teaching writing, journaling , and poetry. I encourage poets, I read poetry, I write poetry. I love poetry!
Jane Crawford Peterson
My initial college degree was a B.S. in biology with an all-science education certificate, and a second major in communications. I graduated in 1976 from UW-SP. After teaching in a high school, I returned to college to get my master’s degree in English with the goal of an MFA in creative writing. I edited a college writing journal for two years. While pursuing this degree, a tug began at my sleeve to understand the practice of midwifery. The writing of poetry was inherent in my life, yet an occupation of service spoke loudly and I chose the path of becoming a midwife. I practiced for 40 years while continuing to read and write poetry. I am honored to read the submissions for this art project, where we will put words — while not in stone — in concrete for all who pass by to consider.
Cheers to the Team!
Thank you to all the City of Waupaca employees and contractors working hard to bring our vision of Poetry at Your Feet to life.