Short Poems Workshop

Join award-winning Wisconsin poet Paul Wiegel at two online poetry writing workshops, Jan. 21 & Jan. 28, 2021. Learn how to make your poetry sing!

Events Closed


Paul Wiegel Presents:

Short Poems Workshop


You’ll Learn…

The Short Poems Workshop will focus on crafting tightly worded poems. We will brainstorm ideas, determine which language matters most, and then work toward drafting poems that get to the heart of the poem's core meaning. During both sessions, class participants will have opportunities to share ideas with others and provide feedback, or simply work at their own pace.


Short Poems: Fewer Words, Bigger Ideas

Jan. 21, 6:30-8 p.m.

During the first session we will work on writing one short free verse poem (less than 10 lines). We will begin by looking at examples of short poems and discussing how they work well, and then using those examples to guide the process in our own poems.

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How Haiku Fits Into Your Poetry Toolkit

Jan. 28, 6:30-8 p.m.

During the second session we will build on what we learned in the first workshop, and focus on the Japanese form of haiku.

Attendance at the first workshop is not required for the Haiku Workshop.


A Taste…

Get a taste of Paul Wiegel’s teaching style from his 2019 Oshkosh TEDx talk about learning how to do Street Poetry.

Paul Wiegel is originally from Green Bay but now lives and writes from his home near the Fox River in Berlin. He has been writing and performing on-demand poems as a “street poet” on his 1957 Smith Corona manual typewriter for passersby at art galleries, farmers' markets, and festivals for the past five years. Paul's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Hermeneutic Chaos Journal, The English Journal, Yellow Chair Review, and Eunoia Review. 


  • Winner of the John Gahagen Poetry Prize, 2014 & 2015

  • First place in the Lakefly Writers Conference Poetry Contest